LASIK eye surgery was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1999, though it had first been successfully performed 10 years before that in Greece. Since receiving FDA approval, this optical surgery has remained a popular option for anyone seeking to improve their vision without having to deal with the daily frustrations of wearing glasses or contacts.
LASIK eye surgery can be a life-changing procedure that can give perfect vision back to those who have lacked it for so long. At the same time, it is imperative to understand that there are several considerations that one should make before diving headfirst into accepting that LASIK surgery is right for them. Today, we will explore some of the considerations that one should add to their checklist before proceeding to get this surgery.
Evaluate Your Eye Health
The first step that LASIK eye doctors in Pittsburgh will insist upon is that you must receive an evaluation of your eye health before proceeding. This is a necessity because they need to ensure that this surgery is not going to do more harm than good for you. That is not a risk that LASIK eye doctors in Pittsburgh or anywhere else are willing to take, and we should all be grateful for that. There are numerous pre-LASIK evaluations that your optometrist might ask you to participate in. Among these are:
- Corneal Topography – This evaluation allows your optometrist to create a detailed map of the surface of your cornea to see if there are any irregularities of concern. Should major irregularities exist on either of your corneas, it might not be recommended that you receive LASIK surgery. Alternatively, it is also possible in some situations to correct those irregularities, but that is something that is only done on a case-by-case basis.
- Intraocular Pressure – The pressure within your eye is another key measurement that LASIK eye doctors in Pittsburgh will want to evaluate before proceeding. If pressure levels are too high, this could cause major health concerns regardless of receiving any kind of procedure. It is the kind of detail that you will want to know about before proceeding with any kind of surgery.
- Pupil Size Measurement – It is helpful for your doctor to know what size pupils you have and how this might cause any potential side effects from the LASIK surgery. Collecting these measurements ahead of time means that they can decide if they will recommend that you proceed or not. Take their advice on this and understand that they are simply making a recommendation based on their expert training and the things that they have seen and dealt with in the past.
- Pachymetry – Your doctor might also want to collect a measurement of your cornea’s thickness to guarantee that there is enough tissue within your eye to have a successful LASIK surgery.
- Diluted Fundus Exam – The retina and optic nerve at the back of your eye is also something worth taking a look at. This is why a diluted fundus exam is a worthwhile pre-LASIK step as well. This is the only way that your doctor can see what is going on in the back of your eye. That is an important thing for your eye doctor to review prior to continuing forward with LASIK surgery.
These are just some of the pre-LASIK exams that might be ordered by your optometrist. Ask them any questions you might have regarding these exams and how they work. The doctor will be happy to answer any questions and put you at ease about the value and purpose of each exam.
Consider Potential Costs
Budgetary considerations are always on the table and must be a topic that is discussed with every patient. It is important to understand the amount that a patient would reasonably expect to pay for their LASIK eye surgery and have a good estimate of what they can expect in terms of out-of-pocket pay for their surgery. With that all being said, how much does LASIK eye surgery cost today?
The estimated cost of LASIK eye surgery is between $1,500 and $3,000 per eye. Many factors that weigh into what the final bill will look like for you, including:
- Level of Experience – The amount of experience that your surgeon has with performing LASIK eye surgeries in the past plays a major role in how much you can reasonably expect to pay. The more experienced they are, the more that you can expect to pay. This is simply because you are paying up for the comfort of knowing that you are working with someone who has done this surgery many times before.
- Pricing Policies at a Particular Facility – Every eye doctor’s office has the right to price LASIK surgery in any way that they want to remain competitive. The pricing policies of the particular facility that you select will play a major role in how much you ultimately pay for your procedure, and you ought to look at that carefully before settling on any particular facility.
- Pre- and Post-Operation Care – You might have to attend some follow-up sessions for some post-operation care following your surgery. Additionally, there may be charges for some of the pre-surgery examinations that you undergo as well. The extent of that pre- and post-surgery care will impact the amount that you ultimately have to pay for the surgery you have received.
Each of these factors will weigh into the ultimate calculation of your final bill. You can ask the facility of your choice for a detailed breakdown of the likely charges and see what kind of total you should anticipate. That can greatly inform your final decision.
Think About Recovery
LASIK surgery has been performed for more than a quarter century at this point, and it is considered a very safe procedure. However, a patient will still need to contend with some recovery time following the completion of this surgery. That is completely normal and should be anticipated. Don’t forget to calculate this into the time investment that you will spend on LASIK surgery.
It is possible that your recovery period will involve some slight discomfort and even variations in your sight. This is all completely normal and nothing to be scared about. Instead, you should try to understand that this is a normal part of the LASIK surgery process. Set realistic expectations for yourself and try to give your patience and grace as you allow the recovery process to run its course.
Reach Out to the Chang Eye Group to Learn More
We know that you might still have burning questions, and that’s why you can learn more about LASIK from the Chang Eye Group. Our board certified ophthalmologists have worked with patients undergoing LASIK eye surgery for many years. We are happy to sit with you and explain what you can anticipate when receiving this procedure and why it might be a worthwhile pursuit for you. Ultimately, we want you to have the confidence that you need to make a decision that is right for you.
For more information about LASIK eye surgery and to schedule an appointment, reach out and contact us today.